Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Friday, March 23, 2007

She shall be called woman

Genesis 2: 21-24 is an inspiring account of the history of humanity. Throughout the ages, man has clashed with woman, woman has clashed with man, resulting in a continual miscommunication between the sexes.

When we bring it back to basics though, Genesis exposes the essence of feminity and masculinity.

'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; SHE SHALL BE CALLED WOMAN, for she was taken out of man'...

What baffles me greatly is how much we grapple to be heard by each other, yet we were essentially born from one another.

Last week I went to a men's night, 'The Bloke', then flew to Sydney to be at a women's event 'Colour your world'. Ever since I have been deeply contemplately what it truly means to be a woman and what it means for the other half to be man! Yet why we need to have separate events to learn more about ourselves, to go back and try and communicate what happened in our asexual huddles.

In the realm of church, I think we may have it a little screwed up...

The gentleness and feminine touch of a woman is needed. So is the strength, courage and confidence of a man. Without each other we are out of balance, with each other though we struggle to maintain focus. The two becoming one is an important formula from an almightly God who knows the course of history and every chapter enclosed within.

'The Lord God said 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'

and 'She shall be called WOMAN'

Not really sure what I'm trying to say here, but the discourse with heaven has begun on this one...What really was the point in designing male and female? And why do we find it so hard to meet on common ground?



Clare said...

mm.. it's a problem of humanity. Not only was our relationship with God and creation disrupted at 'the fall' but also our relationship with our other.

As part of what it looks like to be a restored human being, our relationships with everyone and everything around us are also called to be restored.

That changes a lot of the ways we interact, what we expect from each other and how much we give.

It's challenging and thought provoking and we probably couldn't write enough books to cover the subject on what that looks like.

We'll get there, in the end. Thank God we have Jesus as a guide to what restored humanity looks like.

Clare said...

I'm only writing a second comment because I'm a little OCD about the grammar problem blogger has i.e. "1 comments"

A grammatical impossibility people! You cannot have a singular plural.

Unless maybe, you are God.

Simon Elliott said...

Clare and Karyn_Could this post contain the seeds of the 'Womanly Woman' post?

Simon Elliott said...

Clare_I think you need to view '1' as a person...that way you're really keen to hear what 1 has to say in the event that 1 comments. It works for me.