Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The photos can burn:
help me get these books out the window

The most comfortable seat in my house is opposite my bookshelves. If I arrange it right, when people come to visit, I put them in the comfortable seat, and they think it’s because I want them to be comfortable. Actually, it’s because I’m looking for a particular reaction. They sit, and talk, and drink coffee, but their eyes wander. And then eventually they can’t help themselves. They lean forward in the comfortable chair and say, ‘Why do you have a book on home schooling, Karyn?’ Or, ‘Hey, I’ve got that edition of Lord of the Rings’. Or, ‘Is that book called Off One’s Tits?’ Or, ‘The Joint Book? What’s that about?’

In reverse order:
(a)It’s about joints – like in timber? I have this fantasy about one day making a perfect dovetail, but mostly I just look at the pictures.
(b)Yeah, it’s this Queensland journalist called John Birmingham gonzo-ing on drug culture, he’s hilarious - he wrote He Died With a Felafel…?
(c)Nice, mine was a prize in Year 7; I think I read it too young because it didn’t really leave an impression.
(d)I wanted to know whether it was a good idea - I’d probably consider it depending on what any kids I may have are like.

Sometimes, they can’t even stay in the chair. In the middle of a completely unrelated conversation, they’ll be up and across the room and flicking through the quarto of Arthurian legends, or Nigella’s ‘Domestic Goddess’ or the bio on Keith Green.

I had my books packed up in boxes for about four months last time I moved house and I felt like I’d lost a limb. Worse than that. I felt dazed, uncertain, like half my brain and two thirds of my personality was missing. The stuff I know, the things I’ve done, the places I’ve lived, the people I’ve loved – they’re attached to my books like helium balloons strung from a fence.


Clare said...

I have a theory, Karyn, that deep down you are really some sort of sadist, taking pleasure from seating someone in the most comfortable chair of the house only to trick them out of it


People do that with our library too, "what's with 'Red Hot Monogamy'?"

My parents have some really strange stuff from their 'scary years' as pastors.


Gráinne O'Donovan said...

My name is Gráinne. I'm a bookoholic. Seriously. I have boxes and boxes of books in addition to the books on the bed, in the bookcases, on the window ledges. It's sad. One year, one of my New Year's resolutions was to buy no books. It didn't last.

Nowadays, I often go to Borders and sit and read the books without buying them. Or just look at them. Or smell them.

eBooks will never replace the real thing.

Simon Elliott said...

My name is Simon. I am an Amazon-aholic. I am incapable of ordering one book at a time (pesky un-amortised shipping costs?)

Thank you for listening to my story.

Simon Elliott said...

I feel a need to 'confess my sins with one another'. I received 5 books from Amazon today and I have 4 on the go. I'm gonna need your suppport to resist starting something before I finish some of these suckers.