Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Being a 40 year old doesn't seem so bad anymore.

When I say: 'Can you believe its Easter already, the years are getting faster'...Sitting in traffic, I am stunned by the increased load on our roads...I remember when petrol was 56 cents per litre and the West Australian 50 cents when I sold it at the Lotto Kiosk in Rockingham. I remember an icecream being expensive at 80 cents, now finding one for 80 cents is a bargain.

I am only 30 and I am finding myself speaking out the cliches that made my aunts and uncles seem old.

But the crazy thing is; The traffic is getting crazy! It is Good Friday 4 weeks from today. Petrol did cost me $1.20 per litre yesterday and 'The West Australian' has doubled in 15 years.

Am I a walking cliche, is this the truth or am I just having a bad day?



Gráinne O'Donovan said...

I suppose the clichés get so much use because they speak truth - or if not, that we like what they say.

I don't know whether the traffic is crazier, but I remember getting sick on 20 cents worth of lollies and those loooong summer holidays seem to be gone forever.

Simon Elliott said...

I hope it's 'not so bad'...I don't have many years left of being 30-something!