Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Phat Sound

Boney M had a great thing going. The fros, the sequins, those corded microphones. It was bitchin', to the max!

..and I've never read Psalm 137 the same way again.

It's verse four that has grabbed me this time. It's a thousand-year-old question that describes what I've been asking.

For those not as accustomed to the lyrics of this Psalm, here are some highlights:

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion.
for there our tormentors demanded songs of joy;
they said, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"
How can we sing the songs of the LORD
while in a foreign land?
If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
happy is he who repays you
for what you have done to us-
he who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks.

I especially like the last bit (sadist!) but I'm taken with this line "how can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?"

As far as Israel is concerned, they've lost everything. They're engaged in a 'forcefull migration', they now serve a foreign empire and the temple is flattened. Talk about trauma and loss of hope.

If you've listened to Phil Baker a few times you will have heard him say something along the lines of "God is a song you get to hear". If you've seen a Nooma called Rhythm it is suggested that this song goes out through all of creation, those who hear and believe the melody live in tune with the song. Who can forget when Lewis wrote Aslan singing Narnia into existence? I claim no originality for this concept, apparently it's as old as the people of God. But 137 gets me, how do I sing this song in a foreign, fallen, aching land?

What does it sound like? What sort of person does it take to live this music?
What skills do I need to develop in order to play this divine song?

I think this song's tempo is slower than what I'm playing
slow down, not everything needs to happen in one bar

A simple melody enchants me
don't try to play all the notes at once, that's called dissonance

I hear some beautiful harmonies
work on that community, don't rely on your individuality

There are rests in this piece, spaces between the notes
take a sabbath, and keep it holy/wholly

I think this song is in the middle of a crescendo, it's loud but it's getting louder
be fortissimo in a world that lives mezzo

I hear this beat throughout history
look outside of 1900-2050AD, see the lives of those who have gone before you and will come after you

God, teach me the music, tutor me and train me, I'm terrible at sight-reading and it's going to take me a while to get in tune with all the other sounds you're making.


Simon Elliott said...

Clare_What behaviours have you changed in order to 'hear the song' more clearly? Are they sustainable in your environment? ((ie. If it's slowing down from 78rpm to 33.3rpm, how do you go with that when you operate in a 78rpm environment??) Are your changed behaviours working?

Clare said...

I've changed small things...

I turn off my computer for at least 24 hours every week. I rest, I lie in the sun, I walk, I eat with my family.

I have started to grow my own vegetables and herbs because I don't want my life to be based on consumerism.

I say 'love ya' to my little brother more often.

I spend less time talking about myself.

I smile and make idle chatter with cashiers and janitors - or anyone I'm 'meant' to ignore.

I see the homeless, I wonder what book they have in their hand, what they're name is. Sometimes I'm brave enough to ask them.

I redirect how I spend my money to reflect a justice-oriented value system. Money to the poor, money to the church, get rid of all my debt before I buy something else.

I try not to drive as much, I share car rides.

The changes are sustainable, there is no doubt of that. What I've found surprising, although I shoud have seen it coming, is when people see what you're doing, and they understand why, they can become offended. Something about the way you're living is undermining everything they've been taught to believe, especially when you challenge selfish consumerism.

Basically if you're in tune with some things, you're going to cause major dissonance in other areas. People don't like that sound, but I know which song I'd rather be living.