Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

10 Small Group Room-clearers

I was just googling some small-group ice-breakers for a meeting tomorrow and stumbled across this (I was also distracted by a post about Moleskines). Definitely worth road-testing with your next small group...

Top Ten WORST Small Group Ice Breakers

10. Share the worst sin you’ve ever committed.

9. If you were God, who would you punish first?

8. Which person in this group do you think needs to find Jesus the most?

7. Which people at your church do you wish would find a different church, and why?

6. If you could erase any verse out of the Bible, which one would it be?

5. Share the juiciest piece of gossip you know so we can pray about it.

4. If you could have anything from your neighbor’s house, what would it be?

3. What’s your favorite of The 10 Commandments to break?

2. If you could change anything about your spouse, what would it be?

1. If you could commit any sin and get away with it, what would it be?

and one more...
11. Who in this group has God told you to marry?

(Courtesy of Eric Metcalf)


Mikey B said...

12) Are you coveting your neighbours ass? If so, discuss freely.

13) Which is your favourite demonic spirit?

14) Masturbation, how often do you do it before God strikes you blind?

I also do a "trick" that clears rooms. Once you've experienced it, you'll never forget it.

garrick field said...

15. so who thinks they make the largest tithe?

16. remember how david danced naked in worship - well i'm going to put on some Hillsong and.....

Mikey B said...

I love the tithing one. That's gold!!!

17) Who touched the most lepers/unclean this week?

18) Who has the best "tongue" during speaking in tongues time?

Simon Elliott said...

Often finding out who just cleared the room with flatulence is the larger problem. In recent times I've found the answer is 'Mal'. Perhaps Malcom translates from the Latin to 'bad wind'

Mikey B said...

You know I have a spiritual gift of flatulence Simey!!!!

God gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, violent flatulators, and lovers of moleskines in order to build up the body of Christ. Eph 4v11 on (edited slightly to suit the selfish purposes of Mike Blakemore)

Mikey B said...
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Simon Elliott said...

There are multiple occupiers of that domain I have discovered.

garrick field said...

simon - oh how close you are regarding mal's name. In spanish Mal literally means bad, if you want to genderise it, its Mala for a female gender thing, or Malo for a male thing, but Mal is generally just Bad.

for example - Que mal aliento - what bad breath!

que mala clima - what bad weather

los hombres son malos - the men are bad.