Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Icebergs, Araldite and Dessicated Coconut

Paul Keating made a caustic and clever return to form in a recent political interview with ABC Radio. Then Red Symons got involved. The bi-partisan folk at Cacophony present it for your mirth and pleasure.

For those overseas visitors unaware of the characters being mentioned, Keating (the one doing the talking) is a former Australian Prime Minister, Howard is the current Australian Prime Minister, Costello and Rudd are PM wannabes and, he's a guy who wears a hat.


1 comment:

GrĂ¡inne O'Donovan said...

I confess to having enjoyed Paul Keating's brief return to the public eye. His witty snarkiness is gold.

Love the work, Red.