Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What's driving you?

As raw as you can be on a Tuesday/on a blog/with yourself, what's driving you right now?

_the latest book you read
_the latest sermon you heard
_the looming deadline
_our desire to look good and impress folk
_the job/position/role that you don't have
_the latest life crisis

In 2 Corinthians 5:14 Paul says 'Christ's love compels (drives) us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and there fore all died'.

What drives you today? What do you want to be driven by?

(anonymous comments are encouraged if that stimulates boldness...)


Anonymous said...

Living a Christ-centred, mission-minded life is the overarching purpose that I remind myself to remind myself of often. But in general, the desire to find my specific purpose drives me. I don’t want to waste my life – I want to spend it in a way that I’ll be proud of in 50 years time. In some ways, I know it’s more about how you do something rather than what you do, but some things will be of more value than others. So at a time when I’m thinking about making some decisions that will affect my future, the thing driving me is the desire to make good choices.
Having said that, I would also admit that the desire to look good along the way is one that sometimes occupies too much of my time.

Simon Elliott said...

Yeah, nice.

I hear you.

Anonymous said...
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Simon Elliott said...

K: insight, humour and brevity. I'm tugging on my cap!

Perhaps the simple isn't complex enough for us sometimes so we go chasing tails for a while (pardon the overused literary device Mr O.)

Anonymous said...
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Simon Elliott said...

darn tootin'

Anonymous said...

whats driving me? - since i don't own a car i'll probably have to ramble on about something all internal-like and thought provoking.

my drive right now is to get more time at home with my wife, restore balance in my life, find more of God (not be confused with seeking more of God - already trying that!), play more music.

i have come to not care about impressing folk - very few people around here to impress and i now fully live by the words that "truth is worth more than pride" (thanks neil finn). i no longer have energy to pretend to be something that i am not, because there are a whole heap of things that i struggle with on a daily basis and it takes so much more energy to cover them up. so why not just be honest with people and say stuff like "i don't know how to do that" etc.

whats driving me?
- raw honesty
- the challenge to love without prejudice
- standing up for whats important to me
- being strong enough to apply effort to the things that matter
- being weak enough to not care about the things that don't
- being wise enough to know the difference.

Simon Elliott said...

G: thanks for breathing another blast of fresh air through the ether. Some people can live a lifetime without discovering what your integrating (or seeking to) right now.

Anonymous said...
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