Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

From the Dietrich's mouth...

“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community (even if their intentions are ever so earnest), but the person who loves those around them will create community.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Life Together

I seem to have had a bunch of conversations with people over the last fortnight who are frustrated with those proclaiming a 'big vision' that is (seemingly, to them) oblivious to the most basic mandate we have: love one another.

I love big dreams. Big audacious goals that can't be done alone. And yet, amongst all of that, I'm realising that the biggest, hairiest and most audacious goal that we're unable to accomplish on our own is to love one another. To love those closest to us: my wife, my family, my next door neighour. Our 'city' is a little easier...because it's abstract and isn't articulated through the mundane. But a consistent, steady, applied and growing love of those closest to us - our community - that's tough. And it's why we need so much help.

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