Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Friday, February 23, 2007

perspectives- healing part 2

Perspectives...different windows...people who change your opinion...those who help you see a different way...those who care...those who stop...those who think...those who bring perspective.

Today, a great friend of mine emailed me a portion of one of her pen pals private conversation that explored the story of a young mother, explaining to her child that she was going to die very soon.

In the midst of reading that email, my perspective changed.

Healing or any answer to any prayer that we may throw heavenward is never answered with a human shaped perspective. Although we don't understand, we can find rest in the divinity of God and the knowlege that miracles happen everyday, sometimes we just don't have the perspective to recognise them as such.

So for my friend who died way too young, leaving with us beautiful kids and many amazing memories...The miracle being that she was with us for the length of time that she was. The miracle being that we met, by some random chance. The miracle of healing being the hundreds of people that are hearing about her and her love of Christ as a result of her death.

Who knows the prayers we prayed may be right now being outworked in the lives of those who are being healed as they come to know Jesus Christ for the first time.

Who knows...

Lord, continue to keep changing my perspectives.

(Part One...)

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