Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Top 5: Sounds from a lazy Saturday afternoon

I listened, and this is what I heard:

1) Station IDs from the Beeb: This is the BBC in Vancouver; this is the BBC in Karachi; this is the BBC in Honiara; this: is the B-B-C… They sound so good – and they let me pretend I’m a Citizen O’ The World…

2) The thick, steely click that signals my washing machine has finished another load.

3) The restive clunk of baking sheets flexing as they heat in the oven. Makes me feel so Nigella…

4) Elvis, floating up from downstairs. At that distance, he’s actually a pretty perfect soundtrack.

5) The chirrups my cat makes at the birds outside. I’m glad I can’t translate – her threats of Tarantino-style mayhem would probably ruin the mood.

1 comment:

Simon Elliott said...

It's been a while between News Radio drinks, but I recall Deutsche Welle giving me a tremendous sense of being a World Citizenship. Admittedly it was usually in a half-dazed sleep and was a backdrop drone to the twilight hours.

I like the sound of an idyllic Karyn Ash Saturday afternoon. It's enough to turn green all over again!