Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Standing at the petrol pump, I have this overwhelming need, desire, obsession to kick the box where the fuel pumps out full of rage and desperation. Why does it have to speak to me now, bombing my space with advertising and invading, incessant noise.

As much as I appreciate Rosie the G.P.R.S voice over, her inability to answer my questions annoy my sense of reality and relational I.Q

Then I walk into the toilets at our local cinema and it's not enough for the hand dryer to just buzz, it has to shout advertising at me whilst I switch off from the world in the sacred space of the humble loo!

Adverts calling me to buy, fake people screaming for my attention, the noise that we are subjected to daily, without freewill is out of control.

Watching a Nooma video this week entitled 'Noise' I was comforted by the sound of silence.

Our world finds it necessary to cover up the white space of quiet with elevator music, crappy tunes not fit for a karoke bar and a consumerist, incessant inability to allow our own thoughts to roam free without interruption.

Don't get me wrong I love communication with people, I love a good chat over a coffee. I even prefer written communication more, the thrill of blogging, magazine-ing, read-ing, letter writ-ing and any other ing that involves, word-ing!

BUT- noise, audible or not that is subjected into my sphere without permission aka the Graham Farmer Tunnel taking over my radio for a weather report is enough to turn this good little christian into a sword waving maniac.




Mikey B said...

Hmmm, I can identify.

What I wouldn't give for some serenity (and I'm not going to Bonnydoon with you Darryl Kerrigan) right about now.

Sometimes I feel snowed under by life's noises, the family, work, ministry, friendships etc can be really loud, mega decibelic (if there's such a word but I like creating exaggerated words).

It's not just the audible noises but it appears that the unseen pressures and expectations can often speak louder than any idiot on a radio or a telephone or even a fuel pump.

The trick is how to take time to crowd them out in silence, secrecy and solitude. There's a great chapter in a great book called Your God is too safe that deals with this and it's wicked cool. Worth a glance and it's helped me some in the decibel infested life I lead right now.

Clare said...

i stole sleep in the afternoon the other day.

i fell asleep to the sound of distant cars, air through leaves and blood moving around my body.

there's something so real about it so i get angry, too, when there is too much invasive noise.

petrol stations ads i can't control, but my other spaces i can. number one reason i prefer not to listen to music in the car.