Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Climate change mayhem.

With all the news on TV lately about the extreme weather conditions affecting parts of Australia, we shouldn't forget that Perth has its share of devastating weather too.

Here's a photo illustrating the damage caused to a friend of a friend's home from the storm that passed through Perth on the weekend. It really makes you appreciate what you have, and reminds us not to take things for granted.


Anonymous said...

Is every one ok?? their wind chimes probably kept them up all night.

Simon Elliott said...

What you can't see is a very small cat wedged underneath the top of the chair. I believe that's called a silver lining.

Mikey B said...

Such devastation shouldn't pass without a response.

I have set up a charitable fund, you can donate your pledge at or send money to me at 3/14 Ventnor Ave, West Perth where I will forward the portions (minus expenses of course) to the damaged party. I could send you a free gift but really, your gift is knowing that you helped in a time of crisis.

garrick field said...

wow mikey, thats the true battler spirit coming through there. its moments like this that really pull a country together.

Clare said...

I think we need an aid concert, yes?

shaz said...

Hmmm, an aid concert might take a bit of time to organise Clare, and times of crisis usually require immediate attention. You know the church is great with pulling together to help those in less fortunate. Perhaps during the weekend services they can organise a love offering?

Simon Elliott said...

You're all focusing on the people that are suffering here.

What about the chair?

Anonymous said...

that chair has been a long standing support for these so-called "victims". chairs like this always seem to get the ass in times of crisis––heck, they seem to get it all the time and it's not what it has cracked up to be. in fact conditions on that patio were so bad that i would not be surprised if the chair engineered the storm in a vain attempt at liberation from the spectre of bums that haunts its entire existence.


This has been brought to you by the Outdoor Furniture Liberation Front

Mikey B said...

In response to the huge outpouring of social conscience, both for the chair and for those suffering, I am now going to be running a worldwide, live concert with bands such as ColdChair, U4legs, The Dave "We love Outdoor furniture Matthews" band, Bon Chairvi etc.

Involved in this will be a pledge to save the chairs that we can all say with the best of intentions but not act upon as it's too inconvenient (ain't that the truth!!).

Also, I will give handy tips on how to look after outdoor furniture. Brilliant ideas such as, wash them regularly to make them glisten in the sun, solar panels on the chairs to provide their own power, and driving a carbon neutral Lazyboy lounger. There's many more, just wait.

Tickets will cost about $150 each and can be purchased at my website www.there'

Simon Elliott said...

You could always just nail the suckers to the deck. It would save a lot of volunteer hours.

Alternatively we could enlist a large band of volunteers to permanently sit on the chairs in all weather conditions thereby preventing future disasters and engendering a sense of mutual community and intimacy between the user and the provider of the service.

Mikey B said...

Brilliant idea, you're hired. You can take 5% of the takings.