Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

If I lived in the US I'd be buying a phone today...

Today would be the day I joined a long line and bought myself a new phone. Nah, truth is I'd probably wait until the noise died down or order it on line. Heck, it's only a phone after all. That's not really true—it's an iPhone! And there's just a little hype surrounding the launch.

In the last six months, Apple’s iPhone has been the subject of 11,000 print articles, and it turns up about 69 million hits on Google. Cultists are camping out in front of Apple stores; bloggers call it the “Jesus phone.” All of this before a single consumer has even touched the thing.

I'm happy to wait though. It builds character. Passionate patience Paul called it. I shouldn't get too excited...they'll probably sign up '3' as the network of choice.

Still, it might be fun. And my phone's already surrendered.


garrick field said...

forgive me for being a purist, but simon is dead right - its just a phone. a phone!

i deal with a nokia brick that crows like a badly recorded rooster because that is the sound that most resembles a normal phone ring. the text is largely in spanish and there is a lot of dust under the low resolution pixelated screen. but it is a phone and i can talk on it, so it serves its job perfectly well.

let me preach to myself for a while. the thing about the i-phone is that is costs a lot of money, its kinda big, it probably already does the job of the ipod I already have, and it probably also does the job of the piece of paper that I could write something down on. I can be in touch more to let work distract myself from my family and friends and loved ones, you know, the people who are kind of important to me. but thats the last thing I need, more distraction.

it may be black, but so is chocolate and my moleskine journal. it may have nice little coloured shapes on it, but so do flowers i walk past every day. it may play music, but so does my 2 year old ipod which is still not full and completely more than functional. it may be a phone, but so is my $30 nokia brick.

it may make me look like i am up with the style, but God says in Matt chapter 6 that i needent worry about what i look like. it may make me appear to have more money, but i actually have less because spent the equivalent of a months salary on the damn thing (of if you are the guy who guards our office here at night, its a years salary). chances are it won't really make me happy at all but it'll make apple quite a lot of money.

and here's where i finish my sermon to self - if I spent as much passion, time, effort, and money on the things around me that deserve my attention - e.g. family, friends, neighbours, strangers in need, the poor, lost, lonely, as I did on a new i-phone, then maybe i could change a bit of the world around me.

there ends my sermon to myself, because, of course, i'd really like one too, and i'd pile it up next to all the other things that i thought i wanted. i'm a consumer and a sucker for design. unfortunately, by default, i'm a loyal supporter of everything this new phone represents. with Matt 6:25 ringing in my ears, I'm trying to change.

Simon Elliott said...

Yeah - I love it when a comment is longer than the post!

Thing is: I need a new phone. The cost of an iPhone is less than the cost of replacing my current phone. I like it. It solves crappy compatibility issues that stop me from protecting myself from losing all the stuff on my phone.

I love lilies to.

But yeah, I need a new phone. And there's no problem buying one that's great rather than one that comes with an in-built whip for self-denial!

(PS. You're right - I don't need another iPod, another camera, another whatever...but hey, there just bundled in and that's ok - who knows, by next year I might be keen on a nokia brick.)

Aimee Dunjey said...

being in the states as the iphone is being released (it is released tomorrow morning by the way!!!) and i know this because the media is going crazy here. A guy has been down in new york for at least 3 days waiting in line.. he will be the first in the world to buy one at a store.

i too would like one.. maybe when the hype (and cost) die down too. they cost alot here and can only be used on AT&T (was going to get one and bring it home.. but our sims dont fit.. i already asked!)

i too need a new phone (my contract is up in october and my phone is terrible) but im thinking a free new phone will be awesome.. dont we just need it to make calls??

Simon Elliott said...

Yeah, I'm hoping you'll be able to get one on a plan - but I might be dreaming.

Truth is, it is more than a phone...unless you consider an iPod just a bit of plastic/metal. But whether it's a phone, iPod, web-browser, PDA...whatever...if you don't need one you don't buy one.

ToNyAKAsErG said...

i love justification.. its so.. self assuring..

garrick field said...

sorry for my rant, my views of what is necessary these days are a little skewed, well, altered at least. yesterday we were priveledged enough to be involved in giving medicine and treatment to over 1000 people in the slums on the outskirts of Lima, people who can't afford soap let alone health care.

Simon Elliott said...

Hey, nice work. I'd imagine the perspective that brings is glaring.

Rants are cathartic - bring 'em on.

shaz said...

I used to never be able to go anywhere without my phone. Not even to the kitchen (cringe). That was until it broke last week, after I accidentally baptised it in the kitchen sink. But hear this... I have survived 10 days without my phone!! 10 days! It's actually pretty liberating. But yeah. I really couldn't care less about keeping up with technology, I still don't have an ipod actually. It's not that I don't want one, it's just that I'm a poor uni student, and there's more important things I could spend my money food :0) As Mark Pommery said last week, humans have three basic needs for survival: Food, shelter and clothing. Lately I've started to realise not much else is 'needed'. But I do miss my phone. Sniff.