Somewhere in the noise is a song. Somewhere in the cacophony is a melody—a sweet sound. The ensemble is our attempt to discover the rhythms, the groanings and the eureka moments of life amongst the noise.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Stop it! A communal Top 5 (or 50)

Perhaps this is anti-spacious but, heck, I have so many annoying habits it's worth dragging some of them out into the open.

Every now and then someone near you (it may even be you) does something that you really wish they wouldn't. It might go completely unnoticed by those around you, but to you it's like a high-pitched feedback-like squeal in your ears. Perhaps it's a long sloppy sniff or maybe someone stealing 'your' armrest at a movie. Whatever it irks you and you wish they (you) would stop it.

I'm thinking we get a common Top 5 of sorts on the move. You add your annoying habit (or the habit that you find annoying) and we'll add it to the communal list.

Duplication is ok - it reinforces the degree of communal frustration with the habit!

So, here's the evolving communal list:

1. Sloppy sniffers (tissues are great aren't they?)
2. Noisy eaters
3. People who leave half finished glasses/plates/bowls of stuff around
4. Out of tune singing
5. Bad spelling and pronunciation
6. When something is pronounced 'somethink' and straight is pronounced 'shtraight'.
7. The noise people often make to illustrate hunger - the tongue hitting the roof of their mouth over and over - kills me every time.
8. The sound of anyone eating before midday.
9. The phrase 'touch base'.
10. Unacknowledged smells.
11. the smell of reheated leftovers for office lunches
12. being beeped at by taxi's (kind of only really a peruvian problem)
13. incessant whistling, drumming or humming
14. people who don't understand the delicate laws of air conditioning systems and open windows when you trying to keep the car cool (thus making the car very noisy and hot at 100km/hr so that you can't hear the music).
15. people who make no attempt to make their braking, acceleration, gear changes and cornering as smooth as possible.
16. noisy eating
17. noisy breathing
18. jerky/nervous drivers
19. people who prank rather than wear the cost of a phone call to you
20. knuckle-crackers
21. people who ride the brake...and brake suddenly as though an accident is about to happen (except there isn't another car in sight)
22. ok, I'm naughty, but people who pray mentioning the word father or Lord at a ratio of 1 word to 4 or less
23. People who take your armrest on either side of you on a 13 hour plane ride
24. People who talk during movies and tv
25. People who eat loudly during movies.. actually in general!
26. People who ask if we have running water and electricity in Australia
27. Out of tune singing
28. people without manners or respect for the people around them
29. people who lack spreadsheet data entry skills
30. starbucks baristas
31. overeager shop assistants
32. the man in the apartment above us who spends from 11pm till 2am most nights dragging a chair across the floor of the room above our bedroom.
33. people who talk during movies, gigs, and concert
34. people without manners or respect for the people around them
35. People who try to patronize you when they speak to you
36. nasty smells!
37. Noisy eating, chewing of gum, or simulating eating noises because it sounds 'cool'?
38. The visual of people eating/chewing with their mouths open3. Someone asking me a question and then looking around when I try to give the answer, which I'm only giving to humour their question.
39. over 40's calling a cappucino a "CUPPA-chino".
40. Kicking of others' chairs in church, lectures, meetings. Seriously people, why would you? have you ever turned around to the person behind you and said 'excuse me, I find it distracting that you're not kicking my chair, would you mind just kicking it continuously for the next 45 minutes?" NO, I didn't think so. Enough said.
41. Excessive licking of fingers whilst eating. "I know! lets lick our fingers noisily after every handful of salty chips, then put our hand straight back in the bag so we can do it all again! horrah!"
42. Gum snapping - you know the pop people make by sort of blowing an inside the mouth bubble?
43. people holding occult ceremonies within a 5 metre radius of my personal space, while I'm sleeping.
44. People who say 'youse' instead of 'you' eg. "Hey, youse guys, come over here!"
45. When people use to/too/two incorrectly.
46. Noisy eaters. They definitely annoy me.
47. Pray-ers who say "God, Jesus Father Jesus (?), Lord God, Holy Spirit, we just ask you, Jesus, Father Jesus, Lord" etc. I think he knows his name by now.
48. People who throw litter out of their car. Of course it disappears outside the time/space continuum when you let it fly out the window....
49. People who blame their obnoxious behaviour solely on their personality type. "It's not my fault, don't you know I'm a sanguine/melancholic/cleric?"
and 50...
the sound one of my work-mates makes by pouring water from a juice bottle in a way that sounds like a dog drinking from a water bowl, amplified through a trace-elliot accoustic amp.


Mikey B said...

3) People who leave half finished glasses/plates/bowls of stuff around
4) Out of tune singing
5) Bad spelling and pronunciation

Anonymous said...

I have many annoying habits of my own, some of which I'm sure I'm happily unaware, but here are my pet peeves:

1. When something is pronounced 'somethink' and straight is pronounced 'shtraight'.
2. The noise people often make to illustrate hunger - the tongue hitting the roof of their mouth over and over - kills me every time.
3. The sound of anyone eating before midday.
4. The phrase 'touch base'.
5. Unacknowledged smells.

garrick field said...

1. the smell of reheated leftovers for office lunches
2. being beeped at by taxi's (kind of only really a peruvian problem)
3. incessant whistling, drumming or humming
4. people who don't understand the delicate laws of air conditioning systems and open windows when you trying to keep the car cool (thus making the car very noisy and hot at 100km/hr so that you can't hear the music).
5. people who make no attempt to make their braking, acceleration, gear changes and cornering as smooth as possible.

Anonymous said...

1. noisy eating
2. noisy breathing
3. jerky/nervous drivers
4. people who prank rather than wear the cost of a phone call to you
5. knuckle-crackers

Simon Elliott said...

1. people who ride the brake...and brake suddenly as though an accident is about to happen (except there isn't another car in sight)
2. ok, I'm naughty, but people who pray mentioning the word father or Lord at a ratio of 1 word to 4 or less

Aimee Dunjey said...

1. People who take your armrest on either side of you on a 13 hour plane ride

2. People who talk during movies and tv

3. People who eat loudly during movies.. actually in general!

4. People who ask if we have running water and electricity in Australia

5. Out of tune singing

I'm sure there are more.. I may have to add to my list!

garrick field said...

6. people without manners or respect for the people around them
7. people who lack spreadsheet data entry skills
8. starbucks baristas
9. overeagre shop assistants
10. the man in the apartment above us who spends from 11pm till 2am most nights dragging a chair across the floor of the room above our bedroom.

Simon Elliott said...

yay for Aimee! (I can't type long as my legs a getting sore from the peddling to keep this generator going )

Mikey B said...

6) People who put on a different voice when they pray or prophesy to sound more spiritual. The "prayer voice" makes me want to cross the room and commit criminally violent acts motivated by the devil himself. YES I NEED TO GET OVER IT.

Anonymous said...

1) out of tune singing
2) bad spelling and pronunciation(but I am sure mine is pretty bad in english)
3) the phrase 'touch base' really annoying...
22) I am with you on that one simon...
4)people who talk during movies, gigs, and concert
5) people without manners or respect for the people around them
6)People who try to patronize you when they speak to you
7)nasty smell
should stop here even if I have many more.....

Cait said...

oh, don't even get me started. Excuse the sarcasm here, but this has been a long time coming.

1. Noisy eating, chewing of gum, or simulating eating noises because it sounds 'cool'?
2. The visual of people eating/chewing with their mouths open
3. Someone asking me a question and then looking around when I try to give the answer, which I'm only giving to humour their question.
4. over 40's calling a cappucino a "CUPPA-chino".
5. Kicking of others' chairs in church, lectures, meetings. Seriously people, why would you? have you ever turned around to the person behind you and said 'excuse me, I find it distracting that you're not kicking my chair, would you mind just kicking it continuously for the next 45 minutes?" NO, I didn't think so. Enough said.
6. Excessive licking of fingers whilst eating. "I know! lets lick our fingers noisily after every handful of salty chips, then put our hand straight back in the bag so we can do it all again! horrah!"
7. Gum snapping - you know the pop people make by sort of blowing an inside the mouth bubble?
8. people holding occult ceremonies within a 5 metre radius of my personal space, while I'm sleeping.

Aaahhh... that'll do for now.

Simon Elliott said...

Indeed - and let's have an eXpresso while we're at it - pacifically without milk.

Cait said...

oh, and the sound one of my work-mates makes by pouring water from a juice bottle in a way that sounds like a dog drinking from a water bowl, amplified through a trace-elliot accoustic amp.

Simon Elliott said...

ok, Caitlyn, go to that happy place now.

garrick field said...

someone is going to the length of amplifying their annoying noises through an amp? thats dedication. mind you, lots of fun can be had with a microphone and an empty auditorium.

Clare said...

1. People who say 'youse' instead of 'you' eg. "Hey, youse guys, come over here!"
2. When people use to/too/two incorrectly.
3. Noisy eaters. They definitely annoy me.
4. Pray-ers who say "God, Jesus Father Jesus (?), Lord God, Holy Spirit, we just ask you, Jesus, Father Jesus, Lord" etc. I think he knows his name by now.
5. People who throw litter out of their car. Of course it disappears outside the time/space continuum when you let it fly out the window....

Clare said...

And just for good measure...

6. People who blame their obnoxious behaviour solely on their personality type. "It's not my fault, don't you know I'm a sanguine/melancholic/cleric?"
Junk reasoning. I thought the whole idea of personalities was not to pigeon-hole yourself.

garrick field said...

isn't amazing how the "prayer" thing is getting a lot of mileage on this post. i agree whole heartedly with what's been said - God doesn't need our hyped up prayer efforts. Ecclesiastes has some good gear on this - "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."

Simon Elliott said...

yep, Clare, I totally agree with your #6.

"I didn't offend that friend of mine, it was my personality"

Just own the sucker, my friend.

Actually, while I'm there, the words 'my friend' and 'kudos' should find their way onto a list like this. Only problem is that I've parodied them into my common usage.

Simon Elliott said...

Actually Garrick, since you brought up the prayer slant going on. Can I just add one more (triggered by Clare): the unadulterated poliferation of the word 'just'.

'Lord we just ask you to bless us'.

The Lord does want to bless you, my friend, don't downplay his blessing, give him the kudos He's due.

Clare said...


These comments are making me laugh - on the outside. On the inside I'm beginning to notice of all the annoying things that people do. I'm leaving the office before I start telling people to "STOP BREATHING SO LOUDLY!"


Of course, all these 'annoying' things are what makes me fall for people, in an affecionate way... They aren't so bad if you can be bothered to be patient and unselfish.

Geez, there are some loud breathers here...

Simon Elliott said...

Yep - and I'm more than aware that I'm guilty of a whole bunch of what appears on this list. I'm 'just' blessed to be surrounded by such tolerant.

As an aside, a church in Perth that I work with put on an event called 'Just Worship'. I argued vehemently that it was an ordinary title. Based on James 1:27 (and an intolerance for the word 'just') I was advocating 'Pure Worship'. I lost.

Anonymous said...

agree with you simon . Actually had the same reaction when I saw the title of this event... anyway my apologize in advance if you guys get annoyed of my spelling ...' i am JUST french'

Simon Elliott said...

Believe me Lis, your english is a whole lot better than the french or french spelling of anyone in this neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

thanks but i still believe that my english is in work in progress... just looking at my assignments...